Friday, April 13, 2012

Don't soberize me...

Don't soberize me
Don't enlighten me with the truth
Let me live with the illusion that
Someday, someway, somehow
I'll hear from your lips
The forbidden word!
I long for you, for your company
I live for your touch
I dream of your love
But wait …
Don't tell me you love me,
I want not to hear it
I'd like to feel it
--in your eyes
In your touch,
In ways I can't perceive through senses--
For the ineffable
Once uttered
Turns into a means to an end!

Our Crocus

We met the crocus
In prostration, on its own turf
With a love that emanated, needless of possession
Left it where it was
Didn’t pluck it or put it in a vase
To look pretty and perish
Left it to come back and greet us every spring
We communicated admiringly
Without words
And the crocus gave us something to keep
In our hearts for ever and ever
A bond between father and daughter
And the aroma to come back
For ever and ever
Fresh and delightful
And a symbol to love for eternity!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The day dawns...

The day dawns on me with the promise of your love
A promise that is certain to be kept
--cross my heart and hope to die--
I sense the fragrance
Of certainty
My heartbeat tells me
The flight of sparrows
--two by two--
Beneath the crimson evening sky tells me
The mysterious is my informant!
I seal my wish for you in a bottle and cast into the sea, Julia
I'll reach you!